måndag 12 mars 2012

Turning Torso

Turning Torso was inaugurated in 2005 and is the new symbol of Malmoe. The architect Santiago Calatrava, from Spain was inspired by a man in movement. This building is mainly appartements, 147 divided in 54 flats and nine cubes. The two lower cubes consists of offices end flat 53 and 54 are for conferences. The building is 190 m high.This summer it is possible to visit the two upper flats, where You on a clear day can se forever, at any rate 8o kilometers in each direction.The price is 195:- per personbetween week 26-28 You can visit the building in the afternoons.You have to book time at : tel +46 40-17 45 40 oremail: wlmailhtml:%7B759B1820-AF8D-48FD-A971-9EC559E0DA6A%7Dmid://00000042/!x-usc:mailto:info@turningtorsomeetings.com.

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